Xbox 360

cinefil_ flickr (where it seems like the announcement in Japan.) Microsoft has just posted its spec. and fact sheet here. The console was officially announced on MTV as an event called "MTV Presents: The Next Generation Xbox Revealed" hosted by "entertainment icon, seasoned gamer and Xbox fanatic" Elijah Wood last night at 9:30pm EDT. I missed it but I'll be posting a BitTorrent link here if I find one.
-360 view of the console and controller at
-Dev Interviews and Peripheral Info
-Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 3 (Xbox 360) Screenshots
-Some screen caps of the MTV event
-Broken Japanese video of Xbox 360... quick, small, and there are parts that sound just won't work for me, for whatever reasons
-TorrentSpy has 56MB (30min) video cap of the MTV broadcast. I don't think I can do direct link. I believe you need to sign up (free) to use the tracker. I tried using other free searchers but yet to find anything similar.
-At E3 Microsoft’s press conference, they gave out limited edition E3 2005 Xbox 360 faceplates. Only 5000 have been manufactured. PlayFeed is giving one away, if you are willing to write a little comment on their thread.
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