
It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I do news update. I'm not sure why exactly I stopped doing it but I would guess I was too busy with my other works and ran out of time in a day to read all the news like I used to. I noticed a rather significant drop in the number of visitors but I guess it's ok. I'm not sure blogging on a more personal level is a step upward or a step downward. At least change can be a good thing. I'd love to do daily blogging on news like I used to, but I can't if I... umm... can't.

I still want to keep the news on podcast up-to-date tho... so here they are:
- More NY Times articles
- Steve Garfield: Sometimes it's not all about money (as well as his mentioning soon-to-be-opened free hosting for podcasters)
- Vatican is podcasting
- libsyn can host your podcast for you; for a price, that is
- "[Radio] revenues [for Viacom] were flat... as more people turned to commercial free stations and portable music players..."
- Podcast cartoon

On a little off-topic:
- Steve Fossett's made the historic flight
- Congrat to Adam Curry for having "a model student", "wonderful young lady" daughter :P


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