Podcast Company

"BoKu is in the process of expanding its podcasting system into a network that is enabling thousands of producers to cost-effectively create compelling content to fit the needs and desires of millions of users, with marketers benefiting from the connection."
There isn't yet much detail that I know, but I will surely let you know when further details are revealed. It seems that one of their first project is going to be PodShow.com. I'm a little behind on the Daily Source Code listening (about a few days behind) so there might be things that I miss. I actually have mix feelings about Adam stepping into the commercial realm >.<. Hopefully he's not going to be doing something stupid but to actually benefit people. At least I like the slogan: "Click - Hear" (which sounds like an overused internet phrase of "click here.")
via: the (also mix-feelings) newly designed ipodder.org; Adam just puts the PodShow ad too high in the hierarchy, making the site to be too much promoting the ad (where, I believe, the whole purpose of ipodder.org is to be a community directory for people who's looking for a podcast to listen to.)
- Adam has posted a DSC talking about Podshow.com, from what I understand they are trying to make PodShow.com to be a central site joining the 3 groups of podcasters, listeners, and advertisers. Adam said that part of it will be a podcast directory with commercial elements in mind, and there will be voting/rating elements involved like PodcastAlley.com. We don't know yet about how exactly they are going to be making money out of it though (but I guess it will mainly be asking from advertisers since the site already promises a number of free elements for podcasters and listeners.) It surely is a site to keep eyes on for how things will turn up.
- Ron Bloom also was on Fox News. Russell has the mp3 here. (tho he didn't talk much about the company, but just podcast in general)
- via: Investor's Business Daily: "PodShow.com is similar to Weblogs Inc., a network of some 75 niche-interest blogs operated by Jason Calacanis. He supplies software for production, promotion and marketing, and shares advertising revenues with writers."
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